I'm with you

21 June, 2018 год

Almaty, Казахстан

Ya s Toboi (I'm with You), Kazakhstan's first hospice for children with cancer, needs your support. The hospice provides social, medical, psychological and spiritual care for terminally ill children aged between 0 and 18 and their families. The hospice does not receive any government funding and relies on people's donations. 

The main type of care that the hospice provides is domiciliary palliative care. It is provided by a mobile team that includes a nurse, a doctor — if necessary, a counsellor and a case worker. Care is provided not only to residents of the city and Almaty region, but also to families across Kazakhstan.

There are several ways you can support the hospice.

1. Money transfers

Please consider making a small monthly donation. The easiest way to do it is at the website (scroll down to read in English).

2. Donating products — for both children in the centre and for low-income families with ill children who are visited by the mobile medical groups

Some of the products that the centre is always in need of: diapers, baby formula, bedding, towels, pajamas, household cleaning products, hypoallergenic detergents, toilet paper, tablets and salt for a dishwasher.

And products from the list:

3. Toys for the Box of Bravery

Every day kids in hospitals have to undergo painful procedures that sometimes frighten them to tears — punctures, bandaging, catheter insertion and flushing, etc.

To help children counter their fears, in every room where they undergo examination and treatment procedures there is a magic box with small prizes for bravery.

Accepted toys: small flashlights, dolls, animal sets, transformers, cars, cartoon and fairy tale characters, Lego sets, Pokemons, puzzles, books (in a packaging).

Wooden toys, stuffed animals, fragile (glass and ceramic), undurable, sharp toys as well as those with many small details, kids cosmetics and hair grips cannot be accepted. 

Important! The centre only accepts new toys. The reason is that the children under cancer treatment have weakened immunity.

Domestic dust is extremely dangerous for them, so it is important that toys can be frequently cleaned with alcohol.

More information about how you can hand over toys and products and what else you can do to support the hospice is available at their website.

Опубликовано: 21 June, 2018 год