Stories of people, places, and ideas of Central Asia

Description of the image   @adamdarca

    “Fair Kazakhstan”—the land of lost empathy
    “Fair Kazakhstan”—the land of lost empathy

    Library Kazakhstan

    “Fair Kazakhstan”—the land of lost empathy

    Political scientist Shalkar Nurseit on the role of “law and order” in the government’s rhetoric

    JerSu Kazakhstan


    JerSu Kazakhstan

    Почему Казахстан не должен строить АЭС

    Мнения экспертов

    JerSu Kazakhstan

    Светлана Могилюк: «АЭС — это долго, дорого и опасно».

    Председатель ОО «ЭКОМ» — о целесообразности строительства АЭС в Казахстане

    Voices of the River: Bubukan and Kumarbek
    Voices of the River: Bubukan and Kumarbek

    DOCA JerSu Kyrgyzstan

    Voices of the River: Bubukan and Kumarbek

    A photo story and short documentary film

    Mountain Medic: a Feldsher's Journey
    Mountain Medic: a Feldsher's Journey

    DOCA Kyrgyzstan

    Mountain Medic: a Feldsher's Journey

    a documentary photo story about the life and work of a feldsher in the most mountainous region of Kyrgyzstan

    Library Kazakhstan

    Святой, уличающий клятвопреступников

    Зира Наурызбай — о святости клятвы и древних казахских ритуалах анттасу

    The documentary “The East: Land, Water, Air” is now available on YouTube
    The documentary “The East: Land, Water, Air” is now available on YouTube

    DOCA JerSu Kazakhstan

    The documentary “The East: Land, Water, Air” is now available on YouTube

    The documentary about East Kazakhstan can now be watched online

    Library JerSu Kazakhstan

    Священная Земля-Вода тюрков

    Эссе Зиры Наурызбай

    Special projects

    The East: Land, Water, Air
