Birds fly south, but I'm staying — I'm in the capital. Winter. Homeland.

1001 Days / 1001 Nights Kazakhstan
June 25, 2018
Astana, Kazakhstan
Birds fly south, but I'm staying — I'm in the capital. Winter. Homeland.
Published: June 25, 2018
The documentary about East Kazakhstan can now be watched online
a documentary photo story about the life and work of a feldsher in the most mountainous region of Kyrgyzstan
Зира Наурызбай — о святости клятвы и древних казахских ритуалах анттасу
A photo story and short documentary film
Председатель ОО «ЭКОМ» — о целесообразности строительства АЭС в Казахстане
Political scientist Shalkar Nurseit on the role of “law and order” in the government’s rhetoric