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Asya Tulesova Has Been Released
The court sentenced the activist to a year and a half of probation

Alnur’s Speech
Activist Alnur Ilyashev on political repression, inevitability of rehabilitation, and the freedom of speech

Kazakhstanis demand the release of Asiya Tulesova
A group of public figures and civic organizations published a petition

The Hungry Steppe
Dosym Satpayev on the genocide of the 1930s and publication of Sarah Cameron's book in Kazakh

Lukpan Akhmedyarov: “We learn. We think. We act.”
Video from the editor-in-chief at Uralskaya Nedelya

Lukpan Akhmedyarov: Reflections
The story of Kazakhstan's bravest journalist

“You Can’t Run Away From the Truth”: One Year Later
The key participants remembering the year after April 21, 2019 and reflecting on the present and the future

Women’s Day March: The Trials of Participants
Trials against activists Fariza Ospan and Arina Osinovskaya took place on March 11

March 8 March in Almaty
Several feminist initiatives of Kazakhstan united for women's rights

Environmental Activists Make Demands of the Almaty Akimat
They demand that the Almaty akimat recognize the catastrophic air pollution situation in the city

Almaty residents donate blood for plane crash victims
A large number of citizens gathered at the city blood transfusion center

December 16 Rally in Almaty
Live reporting from Republic Square in Almaty

Screening of 'Man with a Movie Camera'
Dziga Vertov's legendary documentary in Astana and Almaty

The Day against Crimes against Journalists
2 November is the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

Environmental Activists Saved Kok-Zhailau
Kazakh President officially banned the construction of resort in the natural landmark area

A Man from Bukhara
The story of the photographer Shavkat Boltayev, founder of the Bukharan school of photography

Adamdar news DOCA JerSu Kazakhstan
DOCA offline: Workshop with Elyor Nematov
The photographer's workshop will take place in Almaty

Almaty Rally for Women's Rights
The first "authorized" feminist rally in the history of independent Kazakhstan

Documentary Film Stalin’s Crimes Premieres Online
Zhanbolat Mamay’s film is now available on YouTube

Almaty March
On Kazakhstan’s Constitution Day, Oyan Qazaqstan civic movement held a peaceful march in Almaty

70 Years Since the First Nuclear Test in Kazakhstan
On August 29, 1949, the first Soviet nuclear bomb exploded at Semipalatinsk test site

Rescue Operation at Pobeda Peak
An operation to rescue Kazakhstani mountaineers Murat Otepbayev and Andrey Korneyev started in Kyrgyz mountains today

Yerali (documentary film)
A short documentary about Yerali Atibekov, a volunteer from Almaty

Public Rally in Almaty
Photographs from the rally for freedom of peaceful assembly and democratic reforms held on June 30 in Almaty

In Suinbike’s Own Words
Excerpts from Suinbike Suleymenova's public speech at the courtroom

Protest Performance in a Courtroom
A solidarity performance was held during the trial against Suinbike Suleimenova

Defeating Freedom of Speech
May 9, the “Victory Day”, is marked by blockings of social media, messengers and a number of independent media in Kazakhstan

Pasha Cas dedicated The Sergey Kuryokhin Award to the activists in Almaty
The street artist received a prestigious contemporary art award and dedicated it to the sentenced activists

In Asya's Own Words
Asya Tulesova's manifesto during the trial against her on April 21, 2019

Adamdar news DOCA JerSu Kazakhstan
«От ледников до Аральского моря»: итоги экспедиции
Итоги уникальной молодежной экспедиции и показ документальных фильмов об Аральском море в Алматы

Madina draws
The story of @madikendraws, a young artist whose drawings became a visual symbol of the events of March 2019 in Kazakhstan

Herold Belger / Free lines
Some of Herold Belger's words written in 2007 that are still just as relevant

Adamdar news DOCA JerSu Kazakhstan
“The Old Man and the Aral Sea”
Asylkhan Mamashuly's documentary about the Aral area (production: Radio Azattyq)

1001 Days / 1001 Nights Kazakhstan
Boukreev's Day
January 16 is the birthday of a legendary mountaineer Anatoli Boukreev

QAZAQSTANDYQTAR | Positive Identity
Dmitry Rugis’ photography series exhibition opens in Almaty

World Press Photo 2018 exhibition in Kazakhstan
The winning works of the most prestigious international photojournalism competition to be exhibited in three cities of Kazakhstan

DOCA profile: Umida Akhmedova. Part 1
One of the most well-known documentary makers and the first female camera operator in Central Asia

ALZHIR documentary drama
Griboedov Theater in Tbilisi presents the play dedicated to the victims of one of Gulag's camps

The First children’s hospice
The story of Dinara Aliayeva who founded the first hospice for children in Kyrgyzstan

ADAMDAR/offline. Screening of American Film Showcase documentaries
Dig It If You Can and I Am Yup'ik short films will be screened at SIGS space on September 4

ADAMDAR/offline. Dmitry Markov in Almaty
The photographer will meet his audience on August 21 at SIGS space

ADAMDAR/offline. Dmitry Markov in Bishkek
An evening with the award-winning photographer will be held at Asanbay Center on August 17

The Victory-bearer
Documented memories of the reconnaissance mission commander, Lieutenant Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev, veteran of World War II and the battle for Berlin